The present rules govern the process of submission, review, and publication of scholarly articles in the journal Khristianskoye Chtenie published by St. Petersburg Theological Academy.
1.1. Khristianskoye Chteniye (Christian Reading) publishes scholarly work (articles) covering a wide range of contemporary research in the humanities, including the fields of theology, philosophy, history, religious studies, as well as interdisciplinary fields like the philosophy of culture, social and economic philosophy, philosophy of language, and philosophy of law.
1.2. The journal is listed in the “Listing of Russian peer-reviewed scholarly journals, in which key research results of dissertations for the degrees of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences must be published” for the specialization categories 26.00.00 Theology; 07.00.00 Historical Sciences and Archaeology; and 09.00.00 Philosophical Sciences.
1.3. Articles that have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication by the editorial boards of other journals may be submitted for publication.
1.4. For the publication of articles by graduate students, a letter of review from the dissertation adviser is desirable.
1.5. The length of the article should not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces); for graduate students – 20,000 characters (including spaces). The length is counted using the Word Count feature in MS Word and includes all footnotes as well as the bibliography, abstract, keywords, and information about the author.
1.6. The editorial board reserves the right to make such editorial changes to the articles that do not have a significant effect on the content.
1.7. By submitting an article for publication, the author, in accordance with Article 2 of Section 1286 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation grants permission for the article to be printed in the journal, including also permission for the electronic text of the article to be placed on the Internet on the journal's official website.
1.8. All materials for publication may be submitted by the author only in electronic format by e-mail to
2.1. All articles submitted to the journal undergo a mandatory review process, as deemed necessary by the editorial board. The approximate time-frame for the review process is two to three weeks.
2.2. Based on the results of the review (or reviews) received, the editorial board either accepts the article for publication, returns the article to the author for further corrections with the potential of publication in the future, or rejects the article.
2.3. In case significantly conflicting reviews are received, the editorial board reserves the right to send the article for further review (or reviews) to a reviewer (or reviewers) of its choice.
2.4. In case further conflicting reviews are received even upon a second round of review, the editorial board reserves the right to reject the article for publication in the journal.
2.5. In cases where the article has been declined for publication, the editorial board does not conduct any negotiations with the author.
2.6. Reviews are intended for internal purposes only. The names of reviewers are not revealed to the author.
2.7. Reviews of all articles submitted for publication are stored in the Editorial Office of the Theological Academy in electronic and/or physical format for 5 (five) years.
2.8. Upon request of the appropriate authorities, copies of reviews are forwarded by the Editorial Board to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
3.1. The author guarantees that all submitted information in the article is true and authentic research and that the author has not engaged in plagiarism.
3.2. The author agrees that, if it becomes necessary, at a future date he will withdraw the article or submit corrections.
4.1. Rules for the formatting of the layout of the article as well as the submission process are described in detail in Author Guidelines, attached to this document.