“Paleorosia” no. 2 (26) - 2024
A. Dvornichenko. Politogenesis and Faith: on Confessional History of the Lithuanian-Russian State and Rus'
M. Yurasov. The Monastery of St. Dmitry on the Sava
P. Gaydenko. “The Holy Fathers forbid any Minister to serve without the Command of his Bishop”: Outlines for Future Commentaries on the Canonical Answers of Metropolitan John II
R. Pochekaev. The Golden Horde Legal Realities in Ancient Russian Chronicles Passages on Journeys of Russian Metropolitans to the Horde at the end of 13th – 14th centuries
A. Volkova. The Image of Old Russian Monastery in Hymnography based on Service to Venerable Tikhon of Kaluga
L. Mininkova. “I wrote a Paper to Shemyachich, and with my Hand I signed and sealed It”: Metropolitan Daniel and Arrest of Prince Vasily Ivanovich Shemyachich
V. Shaposhnik. Monastic “turmoils” in “Stoglav” and the Message of Ivan IV to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery
A. Almazov. On Collecting Tribute from Possessions of Ukrainian Clergy into the Tzarist Treasury in 1666–1668
M. Bashlykova. On Correspondence between Plot and Stylistic Topics in Church Slavonic and Polish Editions of The Kiev-Pechersk Paterikon
M. Arkhipov. The Rite of Monks Burial in the Pre-Nikonian Moscow Old Printed Tradition
B. Shapiro. Nun Elena's Belongings in Her Postmortem Inventory
A. Avdeev. Epigraphical Evidence of Veneration of St. Serapion, Metropolitan Krutitsky, Sarsky and Podonsky in the Trinity Makariev Kalyazin Monastery (18th —19th Centuries)
L. Alekhina. Copies of Lives of Zosima and Savvaty of Solovki in the Collection of the Valaam Monastery (according to the Manuscripts of the New Valaam Monastery in Finland)
“Paleorosia” no. 3 (27) - 2024
On Rem Simonov’s Memory
E. Simonov. Rem Aleksandrovich Simonov: The First 25 Years of Scientific Creativity
R. Simonov. “The Doctrine of Numbers” by Kirik the Novgorodian as the Key to “Questions” (on the problem of Early Renaissance in Medieval Rus')
D. Pronin. Exact Meaning in the Semantics of the Names of Large Numbers in Slavic-Russian Texts
A. Mitrofanov. Theophylact Simocatta as a Court Writer: On the Issue of Avar Ethnogenesis
O. Gubarev. The Formula "to Gold [to Knock Out] Like Gold" as a Confirmation of the Truth of Intentions When Concluding a Peace Treaty
P. Gaidenko. Miracle-Working Princes: Several Observations on the Nature of Princely Holiness in Rus' in the 11th–13th Centuries
K. Kostromin. Motherhood and Childhood According to the Canonical Answers of Metropolitan John
T. Samoilov. The Earthly City and the Heavenly City. New Images in Icon Painting during the Era of Vasily III
N. Belov. “...And He Ordered Him to Be Delivered to the Kennel Master”: The Fall and Death of Prince A. M. Shuisky in December 1543 (A New Touch to the History of the Political Struggle during the Time of “Boyar Rule”)
M. Avksentyev. The Number and Composition of the Clergy, Churches, and Monasteries of the Yelets District According to the Census Book of 1678
P. Vorobyov. Polemical Work “Antigrafe” (1608). On the Problem of Source Attribution
G. Barankova. A Cycle of Additional Articles on the Monks Attributed to St. Basil the Great in the Varsonofyevskaya Kormcha of the 14th Century
A. Kazakov. Joseph Volotsky, appanage prince Boris Vasilyevich and heretics
A. Manokhin. Evolution of the "Jewish" component of the Novgorod heresy and problems of codicology