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Rules for Publishing Articles

Rules for the Submission, Review, and Publication of Scientific Articles

The present rules govern the process of submission, review, and publication of scientific articles in the journal Russian-Byzantine Herald.

By submitting an article for publication in the journal, its author thereby confirms that he has read these Rules, as well as the Publishing Ethics, and fully and undividedly accepts their conditions.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Russian-Byzantine Herald publishes scientific articles covering a wide range of the problems of contemporary humanities in the field of history of Russian philosophy and of national history.

1.2. Articles that have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication by the editorial boards of other journals may be submitted for publication.

1.3. For the publication of articles by post-graduate students, a letter of review from the dissertation adviser is required.

1.4. The length of the article should not be less than 30,000 characters (including spaces); for post-graduate students – 20,000 characters (including spaces). The length is counted using the word count feature in MS Word and includes all footnotes as well as bibliography, abstract, keywords, and information about the author.

1.5. The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes to articles that do not have a significant effect on the content.

1.6. All materials for publication may be submitted by authors only in electronic format by e-mail to igo7777@mail.ru.

1.7. Publications in the journal are free, there are no hidden fees. Authors are not paid royalties.

2. License Agreement, Open Access and Personal Data

2.1. The author, when accepting his article for publication in the journal, must conclude a License Agreement with the St. Petersburg Theological Academy by joining the proposed agreement as a whole (accession agreement). Detailed information about the License Agreement is available on the journal's website.

2.2. All journal articles are in open access and are distributed in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement.

2.3. The conditions for providing the author's personal data are an integral part of the License Agreement.

2.4. The author’s refusal to conclude the License Agreement is the basis for the editorial board to reject the article.

3. Review Process for Scientific Articles

3.1. After being checked by the Anti-plagiarism system, each article submitted to the editorial board undergoes mandatory review on the principle of double-blind peer review. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of the reviewed article over the past 3 years. Approximate review time is 2-3 weeks.

3.2. The editorial board sends copies of the review / reviews to the authors of the submitted materials. Based on the review / reviews received, the editorial board either accepts the article for publication in the journal, or sends the article to its author for revision with the prospect of subsequent publication, or refuses to publish, providing the author with a reasoned refusal.

3.3. In case of revealing significant contradictions in the received reviews, the editorial board reserves the right to send the article to other reviewer / reviewers of its choice.

3.4. If significant contradictions persist based on the results of the re-review, the editorial board reserves the right to refuse to publish the article in the journal.

3.5. In case of refusal to publish an article, the editorial board of the journal do not enter into discussions with the authors.

3.6. Reviews of all articles submitted by the authors are stored in the Editorial Office of the journal and in the Publishing House of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy in electronic and / or printed form for 5 (five) years.

3.7. Copies of the reviews are sent by the editorial board of the journal to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request.

4. Authorization of Article Layout

4.1. A PDF-file of the article layout prepared for printing is sent to the author. The editorial board reserves the right to send the original PDF-file of the article for printing in case the author does not answer before the deadline specified in the cover letter, or if the author responds after the specified deadline.

5. Responsibility of the Author of a Scientific Article

5.1. The author guarantees that all data used in his article are real and authentic, that his article is not plagiarism;

5.2. The author is obliged, if necessary, to provide refutations and to correct errors.

6. Requirements for the Manuscript of a Scientific Article and its Design

6.1. The requirements for the manuscript of a scientific article and its design are detailed in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.