Home \ Journal of the Historical Society St. Petersburg Theological Academy

Journal of the Historical Society

The official website of the scientific journal
Journal of the Historical Society
St. Petersburg Theological Academy

The journal was established on May 15, 2017.

ISSN 2587-8425 (Print)
ISSN 2687-0800 (Online)


Submissions and all correspondence should be directed via e-mail to vspbda@yandex.ru. After receiving your submission, it is forwarded by the editors to the reviewer(s). The author will receive a notification of the review results: acceptance for publication, a request to modify and resubmit the paper, or a request to bring the paper in accordance with the requirements posted on the journal’s website.

If necessary, the editors will provide the author with a certificate that the paper has been accepted for publication. This must be requested via e-mail at vspbda@yandex.ru.

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